Saturday, August 4, 2007

Can You Believe!!!

its already four days in to august...i love summer but so far i have not been to the beach in two years so sad.but you know what i am going to plan my self a big beach trip for next year!!! the other day i just could not wait until the weather to get cooler.
so today i got to hangout with Trice and Tyler a little bit today while my car got an oil changed!! way to may ppl out shopping today!! TAx day was today and yesterday!! 4% off the Reg 9% state tax some good savings if only it was the whole 9% off.
Christmas is half way here i am not sure i am ready. Are you Ready?!? no taxes would sure help us out on all that shopping!!


Anonymous said...

I didnt know it was half tax day!

Amanda said...

I bought a vaccum cleaner!!!!