Thursday, September 20, 2007


i am sitting here babysitting & watching HOUSE - you know that doctor show that they all try to figure out what wrong with the person. Watched CSI and it was a good one...can't wait till next week!! don't worry the baby has been a sleep since i've been here. Great Huh!! Though it would have been fun to have gotten to play for a little while...Tonight was the first time i met this family and they just moved to Baton Rouge.Super Nice!!!
i have been busy with work but i have been enjoying every moment!!! L8R

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


So the story is that on Sunday Afternoon Mom, Conan and Juliette where downtown unloading for Charlotte's Web. The Truck was completely off...Mom sent Juliette out to the Truck to Get Something and she saw a police officer with a Fire Extinguisher trying to put the fire out!!!

this is right after...

i took this yesterday after they towed it back to the house!!

it took 5 Fire Extinguishers and then the Fire Dept, which took about 15min for them to put the fire Completely out!! Crazy!! There was a recall on it not sure but i think it was about the Cruise control.